
Got spare change?

Let us compost it for you!

We have the experience, expertise, vision and enthusiasm to put your hard earned money to good use, transforming it into life supporting soil that future generations need to thrive.

Make a Donation

Make a donation, and we’ll put it towards one of our high priority projects

Priority Projects

  • Paid Full Time Manager for one year

    Everything Community Compost has achieved has been done in the precious moments between our day jobs and family life. Supporting Ben to do his critical work during the workday (like a normal person) is an essential ingredient in growing Community Compost to a scale that can sustain itself.

    Cost: $85,000 NZD

  • Innovation research and development

    We’ve built an amazing prototype bEartha model in our spare time, but we’re just getting started. One year of supported, dedicated research and development will afford us the opportunity to take our designs to the next level.

    Cost: $180,000 NZD

  • Upgrade our collection management system

    Upgrading our collection management system will increase our ability to onboard new customers, retain existing ones and reduce our admin overhead. A well-designed system can be shared with other collections groups around the country, helping small-medium scale composting operations in New Zealand become more financially viable.

    Cost: $5,000 NZD

  • e-van

    Upgade the diesel collections van to an e-van

    The irony of burning diesel to save the planet is not lost on us. An e-van would help us reduce our emissions while protecting our budget from ever rising fuel costs.

    Cost: $70,000 NZD

Got questions?

Contact us to find out more about any of these projects